More FAQ
Can you assist us in finding a qualified contractor to erect the shell of our new home with the FBA panel?
Yes! When you inquire please let us know any kind of assistance you require and we will gladly help you.
Can a do it yourself with assistance learn to erect the FBA panel?
Yes. Although it is very helpful to have some background in construction carpentry, it is not impossible to achieve the desired goal. We do suggest you seek assistance from a contractor or attend a class on home building and construction techniques before you get started.
Do I need to install a vapor barrier when using a FBA stress skin panel?
No. The panel itself will act as a vapor barrier. Because there are no voids the panel where moisture can condense, there are no moisture problems. The panel will absorb and release moisture on a seasonal basis, but there will be no harmful effects of this cycling. Each panel joint is sealed with an adhesive during installation, ensuring that there will be no air leaks in your home and moisture will not be allowed to build up or penetrate the structure.
Do I need an Air-to-Air Exchanger?
We strongly suggest that an air-to-air exchanger be used when constructing with FBA panels. A house with panels will be extremely “tight”, and the possibility of sweating exists. An air-to-air exchanger will eliminate this by exchanging the moisture in and out of your home. It will also greatly reduce the amount of air borne dust normally found in all houses and will help to keep your home smelling fresh.
What happens if it rains while the house is being erected?
The panels will not be damaged by the rain, however long term exposure to water may cause the edges to the panels to wick and swell to a small degree. This can easily be remedied by sanding flush any rough edges that may have occurred. Using FBA panels, the house “shell” can be erected in just days allowing only minimal exposure to the elements.
Can I use any siding I want?
Yes! While the panels exterior is most commonly OSB, we offer many options for the panel skins including stucco, drywall, T-11 siding, Inner Seal, pressure treated lumber for below grade applications, or any other siding you may prefer.
How are the Doors and Windows installed?
The preferred method is to erect the panels and then cut in the door and window openings, allowing for on-site modifications. Dimensional lumber is then added to facilitate the installation of the doors and windows. We can also cut the openings in the factory, install the dimensional lumber into the openings and deliver the panel to the job site. The second method takes more time at the factory, deletes the possibility of on side modifications and adds somewhat to the cost of the panel. For ease of your project and added savings, the first method is usually preferred.
What kind of heating units do you recommend?